How to Join Garden State Girls NJ©

You can join the Garden State Girls NJ© by reaching out to us for more information. GSG is a NJ chapter of the national organization of Women On Wheels. Contact our Chapter Director using the contact form.

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join GSG NJ?

GSG NJ is all women's motorcycle riding group. All who identify as a woman can join. Members' partners or children may join as "support members". There will be dedicated rides and events in which support members can ride/attend.

Do I need a specific motorcycle or engine size to join?

GSG is a diverse group of riders. We accept all makes, models, and ccs. We currently have riders on manual, automatic, 2 wheels, 3 wheels, and some without bikes.

What if I'm a totally new rider? Can I still join?

We welcome all riders, including brand-new ones! GSG has a mentor program, specifically for women new to riding. Our seasoned riders will take you out on practice runs and teach you how to safely ride within a group. Some of our members are certified motorcycle riding instructors and can set up parking lot drills to practice motorcycle basics or brush up on some skills.

How much time do I have to commit to the group?

As a riding group, there is no mandatory attendance or participation. We understand many women have families, jobs, and just busy lifestyles. We encourage you to participate as much as possible to really reap the benefits of this wonderful group and get to know our awesome members.

How often do you ride?

When riding season hits and the weather is nice, we aim to organize group rides at least twice a month- typically on weekends. However, members will frequently message each other for random meet ups, short rides after work, rides to lunch/dinner, etc. If you want to ride on a random day and time, chances are another member is available to ride too.

Is the group active during the "off-season"?

Yes! Although we are a riding group, we have really created a family dynamic within the group. In addition to riding, members will host firepit nights, bbqs, girls weekend getaways, holiday parties, or fly out to warmer areas and rent motorcycles to ride. We also host different charities and charitable events year round.

What kind of riding trips do you go on?

GSG has been just about everywhere! We try to plan both short and closer weekend trips so even our busier members can attend, as well as longer, more distant trips to popular motorcycle riding locations. All members are welcome on our trips, including those riding on 4 wheels.


PO BOX 741
Nutley, NJ 07110, US

Meeting Location

Bergen County  Harley Davidson
124 Essex St, Rochelle Park Township
NJ 07662 

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